with my third tea of the day
Reading Human of New York (HONY) gets me thinking if I live in wrong city. You know what eccentric shoes, attires that scream freedom, youngsters with unique way of thinking, and all that.
eccentric style
Brandon Stanton, the photographer and sole writer of HONY, meets diverse people with diverse mindset. It's like you get many intersting input into your way of thinking. Unlike in the place where I live, having different mindset means other people can bombard you and try to instill their thought into you so you will think like them. Not everyone does that, I admit that but majority of them. It is frightening how it becomes common thing here, shoving one mindset into someone else.
I've always wanted to be a photographer. Wander alone, with a rusty backpack, blend into the crowd, observe time, place, an people. No wonder when I found out about HONY (humansofnewyork.tumblr.com) is like meeting an old friend. There is someone who think alike and he even makes it publicly. I am glad that someone able to touch people lives (the ones he took pictures of) and give it to othet people (the ones who see it). So that we know there are people out there with different lives, experinces, and preferences. And that it is okay to be different. Mindset is one thing that changes, but shoving your mindset into someone else is not right.
Enjoy while you can and give out whatever you want.
These are the top 3 favorite stories of mine.
fashionable elementary kid
You can find the other unique stories in the hard copy or go to the HONY tumblr!
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