dream boy

girl 1    : I was just reading Pride and Prejudice. It's a good novel. I want my own Mr. Darcy.
girl 2    : But he's arrogant and doesnt speak much, makes Lizzy misunderstood all the time.
girl 1    : Well, he acts like that because he hardly falls in love. Someone will act awkwardly when they fall in love for first time.
girl 2    : uh-uh. In my case I dont want Mr. Darcy. I want my own Michael Moscovitz.
girl 1    : (baffled) Michael who?
girl 2    : Smart and lovely boy in Princess Diaries.
girl 1    : I dont remember there's such name in the movies.
girl 2    : Movies arent the same like novels. I like novels more.
girl 1    : So, this Mike arent arrogant and speaks much?
girl 2    : Well, he's really genius in his age. He's into game so much, he even makes one programme for the girl.
girl 1    : Wow, interesting.. But I still like Mr. Darcy.
girl 2    : (shrugged)


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